Ticket Information

Spokane Velocity has blocked off a section of seats for 90+ Project to purchase. When purchasing through our assigned ticket rep, they are able to provide better pricing options than through their normal ticketing page. Please contact Sean Hill at the information below to purchase your tickets. If you and your team would like to purchase group tickets to sit together, you can do this through Sean Hill as well.

Sean Hill
Account Executive
Office: (509) 561-2051
Email: Sean@uslspokane.com

note about community and importance

Post Game ON Field Photo

At the end of the game, all 90+ members will be invited to join us on the field for a large group photo. Make sure you wear your 90+ uniform or gear to represent your team!

Helpful Game Day Tips

USL Spokane has put together some helpful links for those attending their home games. You can click the links below to be directed to these pages!